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Shanghai Shanpu Laser Technology Co., Ltd

Contact: Mr. Cai 13601936021

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Address: No. 98, Lane 965, Xiangjiang highway, Nanxiang Town, Jiading District, Shanghai

  • product.title:JL-5000 Chiller
  • product.cname:Chiller
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CO2 laser (laser tube) installation instructions:

1. Connect the wires of the electrodes first, and do not connect the (+, -) terminals.

2. The cooling water pipe is installed. The installation method is to enter the water from high pressure, the negative electrode is out of water and meet the principle of low in and out, and the interface can not leak water. Before use, the water must be stored in the water reservoir. After the water is passed, the water-cooled tube must be free of air bubbles before use (you must check it before each use). If the laser tube is mounted vertically, please note that there are no air bubbles at the top of the laser tube, and operation in the presence of air bubbles will cause thermal shock, which will cause damage to the laser tube.

3. In order to maintain the good performance of the laser tube, please use a temperature controllable chiller between 20-25 degrees Celsius. If the cooling water is unstable, the output power of the laser tube will be unstable.

4. When installing the laser tube, leave enough space between the high pressure end of the laser tube and any other metal surface. If the gap is too small, the high voltage used to trigger the laser tube will spark with the metal surface, which will cause damage to the laser tube and even damage other major electronic components of the laser machine.

5. It is recommended that the user add an automatic detection device (water protection or chiller water flow signal detection) to the laser tube cooling water circulation system to prevent the laser tube from overheating due to overheating. For details, please consult the laser supplier.


Common problems and solutions in the work of CO2 lasers:


Weak power

1. Whether the surface of the output mirror of the laser tube has scratches and dirt, and the correct placement of the support points;

2. Output current, supply voltage, cooling water temperature, cleanliness, flow rate;

3. The degree of cleanliness of the focusing mirror and mirror surface, whether it is hot during operation, and the optical path is offset.


High pressure ignition

1. Check for debris or metal objects around the high pressure connector.

2. The indoor environment is too humid to cause conduction, and the chiller in summer should pay attention to condensate;

3. There is a short line and damage inside the high voltage connection of the laser power supply.


Laser bursting, laser tube exit port water cooling jacket off

1. The water temperature is controlled in the range of 15 °C to 25 °C. The cooling water in the cold area cannot be frozen. After the laser is turned off, the cooling water should not be stored in the laser below 0 degrees.

2. It must work under the control of water protection when emitting light; (Test the laser tube will not emit light or not with the water);

3. There is no crimping in the water pipe of the cooling water, resulting in water not flowing or insufficient water flow.

4. Whether there will be bubbles in the laser tube;

5. Is the water pressure flow normal, whether the water flow direction is low or high, and whether the water protection device is faulty.

6. If the above items are checked normally, it is possible to determine whether there is a problem with the quality of the laser tube.


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