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How to prevent high-pressure ignition of laser tube


There are two cases of high-pressure sparking in 80w, 100w, 130w, and 150w laser tubes. Both types of sparks can hear significant firecrackers. Faults: There are two phenomena in the laser tube and the outside of the tube. During the investigation, a fire in the tube can see a significant discharge arc in the tube, and a fire outside the tube can see a significant discharge arc in the fire. The fire outside the tube is mainly at the high pressure joint or next to the high voltage line.


(1) Fire inside the pipe:

After the power is turned on, the inside of the laser tube is sparked at the positive or negative end. This phenomenon completely concludes that the laser tube is now damaged.

(2) Fire outside the pipe:

(1) Poor contact. The high pressure joint is loose.

(2) The water at the high pressure joint is too large and the ambient air is humid. The high voltage connector discharges outward, causing a fire.

(3) There is damage. High voltage line leakage.

Out-of-tube fire solution:

(1) See if there is looseness, pull the high-voltage joints at both ends. When welding the welding terminals on the laser tube, it is fast, and it is not allowed to heat for a long time to prevent the welding port from being loosened. If the welding is shaken, it is easy to fire. If it is really loose, the demand is re-welded.

(2) It is necessary to keep the periphery of the laser tube dry, and the laser tube should not be condensed; it should be ensured that the high-pressure joint is dry, humid, and there is no moisture on the high-pressure joint.

(3) When the high-voltage line is damaged, it must be replaced. It cannot be wrapped with electrical tape.

(4) The high-voltage end of the laser tube is more than 15cm away from the metal casing.

(5) Wrap the positive part of the laser tube with plastic wrap to avoid dust and static electricity.

(6) After connecting the high-voltage line of the laser tube and the high-voltage line of the power supply with a heat-shrinkable tube or a high-pressure tape, the silicone tube is placed on the sleeve. It should be fixed on the laser tube to avoid shaking.

Note: High-voltage ignition can cause the motherboard to work abnormally. In severe cases, the motherboard can be damaged.

For more information about laser tubes and laser tubes of laser tube manufacturers of Shanghai Shanpu Laser Technology Co., Ltd., please contact Xiaobian.


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