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Laser tube life expectancy


The domestically known laser tube, the full name: glass sealed off CO2 laser. Since the laser is packaged in a glass tube, it is commonly referred to as a laser tube.

Working principle: High-pressure discharge stimulates high-concentration CO2 gas to produce a laser with a wavelength of 10.6um.

It is composed of three parts: hard glass, resonant cavity and electrode.

1. Hard glass part; this part is made up of GG17 material to make discharge tube, water cooling sleeve, gas storage sleeve and return air tube. Sealed CO2 lasers are typically three-layered casing structures. The innermost part is the discharge tube, the center is the water net sleeve, the outermost layer is the gas storage sleeve, and the return air tube is used to connect the discharge tube and the gas storage tube.

2. Resonator section: This part consists of a full mirror and an output mirror. The full mirror of the resonant cavity is generally based on optical glass, and the outer surface is plated with gold film. The reflectivity of the gold film mirror in the vicinity of 10.6um is over 98%; the output mirror of the cavity is generally selected to transmit infrared data of 10.6um radiation. (Ge) is a substrate which is formed by plating a multilayer dielectric film thereon.

3. Electrode part: CO2 laser generally adopts cold cathode and has a cylindrical shape. The cathode data selection has a great influence on the life of the laser. The basic requirements for cathode data are: low sputtering rate and low gas absorption rate.

Laser power is the most important basis for laser power. Common laser tube models are: 40w, 60w, 80w, 100w, 130w, 150w.

Laser tubes of different powers are primarily distinguished by different lengths. For example, the 60W laser tube is 1200mm or 1250mm, and the 80W length is generally 1600mm.

Laser tubes are primarily used in CO2 laser processing equipment. Such as laser engraving machine, laser cutting machine, laser marking machine, etc.

Regarding the life of the laser tube, taking the 80mm diameter laser tube as an example, when the ignition current is 6ma, the lifespan can reach 10,000 hours or more, and when it is greater than 6ma, the lifespan will be shortened. In other words, the larger the current, the shorter the life. In actual use, and under standard conditions, the life expectancy is generally around 5,000 hours. As a consumable part of the laser machine, proper protection can also increase the service life.

For more information about laser tube and carbon dioxide laser tube of laser tube manufacturer of Shanghai Shanpu Laser Technology Co., Ltd., please contact Xiaobian.


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