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Shanghai Shanpu Laser Technology Co., Ltd

Contact: Mr. Cai 13601936021

Contact: Mr. Li 15901969285 (24-hour technical service hotline)

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Tel: 021-56726219

Fax: 021-66972989

Address: No. 98, Lane 965, Xiangjiang highway, Nanxiang Town, Jiading District, Shanghai

Dye laser tube


Dye laser can be said to be the laser with the widest coverage wavelength. The selection of different dyes can achieve the tuning output from 400 ~ 950 nm. The working methods mainly include continuous wave and pulse wave. According to different pumping methods, it can be divided into flash pumping and laser. Pumped dye laser tube. Dye laser combined with frequency-doubled Q-switched Nd:YAG laser tube can be used to remove tattoos, treat vascular and pigmented lesions, cut, remove, ablate and vaporize general dermatological soft tissue and remove residual hair.

Excimer laser tube

The output wavelength of the excimer laser is generally on the ultraviolet light scale, and the laser medium is commonly used to limit its title, such as an argon fluoride excimer laser tube or a fluorinated ytterbium excimer laser tube. Most of the working methods are pulse waves. It is now more mature in ophthalmology and dermatology. Medical lasers can now be described as a star, and play an increasingly important role in benefiting human health and improving the quality of the day. Due to space limitations, this article cannot be mentioned one by one. In the actual purchase of laser tubes, we must also consider the following aspects:

1) Damage to the optical components, the life of the pumped components is still an intractable problem;

2) It is worth noting that the maintenance costs are high and the maintenance personnel are short. Usually the annual average maintenance cost of importing a laser treatment machine is about 60,000 yuan;

3) The stable output, safety specification and protection of the laser tube;

4) Following the evidence-based medical research of laser medicine, it is believed that hospitals choose medical laser tubes to provide new specifications.

For more information about laser tubes and laser tubes of laser tube manufacturers of Shanghai Shanpu Laser Technology Co., Ltd., please contact Xiaobian.


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