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Shanghai Shanpu Laser Technology Co., Ltd

Contact: Mr. Cai 13601936021

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Address: No. 98, Lane 965, Xiangjiang highway, Nanxiang Town, Jiading District, Shanghai

Gas laser tube


Commonly used medical gas laser tubes are:

1. Argon ion laser tube, the output wavelength is mainly 514.5 nm and 488 nm, and the power can reach several tens of watts in the continuous operation mode. The visible blue-green wavelength laser can be transmitted through the optical fiber, and the hemoglobin has a very high absorption rate for the wavelength of the segment, and can be used as a therapeutic light source for photodynamic therapy. The laser has a short life and a high working cost. In principle, it takes a large fee to replace the laser tube every three to four years. Similar to this is a copper vapor laser. At present, double-frequency Nd:YAG lasers pumped by diode laser can obtain 532nm green laser with average power greater than 10 W in continuous operation mode and average power greater than 100 W in high repetition frequency operation mode, so it can not only replace many medical aspects. Copper vapor laser argon ion laser, and has new use in ophthalmology, prostate, etc., and shows strong economic utility.

2. Carbon dioxide laser tube with an output wavelength of 10.6 Μm, which is a far-infrared laser. It has two modes of operation, continuous and pulse, and is generally transmitted through the light guide arm in clinical practice. Because carbon dioxide laser is easy to achieve high power output (more than kilowatts), the cost is relatively low, and its wavelength absorbs water very high, so it is often used for strong laser treatment.

3. Helium cadmium laser tube with an output wavelength of 441.6 nm. Mainly for the continuous operation mode. Can be used as a source of diagnosis for photodynamic therapy.

4. Helium laser tube with an output wavelength of 632.8 nm. Mainly for the continuous operation mode, the power is only on the order of 10mW, which can only be used for weak laser treatment, namely laser physiotherapy and laser acupuncture; it can also be used as a therapeutic light source for photodynamic therapy.

5. Helium ion laser tube, the operating wavelength is mainly 406.7 nm, 415.4 568 nm, 647 nm. Mainly for the continuous operation mode. Can be used as a source of diagnosis for photodynamic therapy.

For more information about laser tubes and laser tubes of laser tube manufacturers of Shanghai Shanpu Laser Technology Co., Ltd., please contact Xiaobian.

上一篇:Solid laser tube

下一篇:Dye laser tube


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