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Shanghai Shanpu Laser Technology Co., Ltd

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Solid laser tube


Solid-state lasers are the most widely used and most mature medical laser tubes. A typical solid medical laser is a Nd:YAG laser, or a yttrium-doped garnet laser, with a primary operating wavelength of 1064 nm. As a scalpel, it is generally used for continuous output, and the power is about tens of watts. As a treatment for dermatological pigment diseases, the Q output is mostly selected. The energy can reach 1 J per pulse, and the pulse width can be as narrow as several nanoseconds. Endoscopic surgery such as membranous cataract, lens capsulotomy, iridotomy, and incision of vitreous cords in the anterior chamber. When used as a long pulse output, this type of laser can also be used to remove hair. The pulse width can be as long as 200 ms. As a free-running mode, it can be used for the treatment of ophthalmologic slow lacrimal obstructive diseases. In addition, the 532 nm wavelength laser after frequency doubling of Nd:YAG laser has important applications in many medical treatment fields, such as ophthalmology, dentistry, dermatology, prostatectomy, etc., and can be used for symptomatic diseases of dermatology wrinkles and hair removal. Treatment and treatment of fundus diseases. The other wavelength of the Nd:YAG laser is 1320 nm, which can be applied to the treatment of diseases such as large and small saphenous veins caused by blood reflux and superficial varicose veins without function. Nd:YAP (ytterbium-doped yttrium aluminate) laser tube output 1.3 Μm laser near this wavelength, because of the relatively safe nature of the human eye, this wavelength laser has been widely optimistic in medical surgery, and can be used for gingiva Elimination of the cavity of the pulp cavity, dentin hypersensitivity, gingival stenosis and hemangioma resection, external irradiation of oral ulcers and other treatments. In recent years, the presentation and development of mid-infrared solid-state lasers with wavelengths above 2 mm have provided a number of new ideals for laser medicine, such as typical YAG laser tubes doped with erbium (Ho), thallium (Tm) and erbium (Er). Most of these lasers use a pulsed operation method, in which the HYAG (yttrium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet) laser tube has a wavelength of 2.1 Μm, which is suitable for soft and hard arrangement of touch and non-touch incision, excision and coagulation, such as for urinary stones; Dermatology treatment of purulent granuloma, senile sputum, senile keratosis; obstetrics and gynecology treatment of cervical erosion; otolaryngology treatment of nasal polyps, throat papilloma; lumbar disc percutaneous surgery; the laser system for percutaneous myocardial Revascularization, as an ideal tool in angioplasty, is hailed as the 'fourth milestone in the treatment of coronary heart disease'.

The Tm:YAG (yttrium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet) laser has a 2.0 Μm wavelength near the HYAG laser and is suitable for both soft and hard touch and non-touch cut, cut and solidification. Another Er:YAG (yttrium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet) laser tube has an output wavelength of 2.9 Μm. Because water is strongly absorbed by this wavelength, it is mainly used for shallow-array laser treatment, such as perforating blood collection, ophthalmic treatment, Rejuvenation surgery, etc., in addition to the otolaryngology, the treatment of tumors and other areas of his use, the principle of treatment can basically be attributed to laser scalpel. Similarly, the so-called 'water laser' (Er, Cr: YSGG laser, named after the use of water-directed light), with a wavelength of 2780 nm, is used in dentistry. Some early solid-state laser tubes, such as a ruby laser tube with a wavelength of 694.3 nm and a purple sapphire laser tube with a wavelength of 755 nm, were used as the earliest laser medical devices for skin pigmentation, skin hair removal, tattoo removal, and treatment of benign skin pigments. Sexual injury and other aspects. In recent years, with the continuous presentation of comprehensive performance of advanced laser tubes, such lasers have gradually withdrawn from the field of medical lasers. It is worth mentioning that the femtosecond titanium-doped sapphire laser tube, which is widely used in scientific research, not only has the broadband spectrum and wavelength tuning ability including the above wavelengths, but also has a pulse width of less than 100 fs in disease diagnosis and fine surgery. Shows more and more widespread use. For example, OCT (optical coherence imaging) using its ultra-wide spectral characteristics has higher resolution than conventional OC in the diagnosis of lesions. Femtosecond laser is used as a scalpel for photodynamic therapy, myopia and presbyopia. Aspects show better results and perspectives.

Another trend in medical lasers is fiber lasers, which, as a type of solid-state laser, not only cover wavelengths of commonly used solid medical lasers such as 1.064 mm, 1.3 mm, 1.5 mm, and 2 mm, but also in femtoseconds. Ultra-short pulse, high power output and other methods of operation have developed rapidly. It is foreseeable that fiber lasers will account for an increasing proportion of future medical lasers.

For more information about laser tubes and laser tubes of laser tube manufacturers of Shanghai Shanpu Laser Technology Co., Ltd., please contact Xiaobian.


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