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Shanghai Shanpu Laser Technology Co., Ltd

Contact: Mr. Cai 13601936021

Contact: Mr. Li 15901969285 (24-hour technical service hotline)

Q     Q:270093650


Tel: 021-56726219

Fax: 021-66972989

Address: No. 98, Lane 965, Xiangjiang highway, Nanxiang Town, Jiading District, Shanghai

How to clean the dirt inside the laser tube


After the laser tube works for a period of time, a lot of dust will adhere to the wall of the water tube of the laser tube and the water pipe. This is because the laser tube will be dusty for a long time, the accumulation of dust and materials, and the proliferation of microorganisms. of. The adhesion of these dusts to the pipe wall will affect the cooling water, and the temperature inside the laser tube cannot be taken away, so that the power of the laser tube and the illuminating spot are affected, and even when the laser tube is broken, it is formed.

In this situation, we advocate the use of chillers and regular maintenance according to the following contents, as follows:

Check the liquid level of the coolant in the chiller tank: summer is recommended to be viewed once every two months, and in winter, it can be viewed once a month. If the water level of the cooling water is found to be less than 60% of the total volume, please add water in time (water should be soft water or Distilled water; completely replace the cooling water every two months. Check the chiller condenser; replace the new deionization filter and cooling water filter every five months, and put dust and debris on the high voltage power supply, laser tube and chiller Clear it.

For more information about laser tubes and laser tubes of laser tube manufacturers of Shanghai Shanpu Laser Technology Co., Ltd., please contact Xiaobian.

上一篇:The trend of laser 3D printing



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