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Shanghai Shanpu Laser Technology Co., Ltd

Contact: Mr. Cai 13601936021

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Address: No. 98, Lane 965, Xiangjiang highway, Nanxiang Town, Jiading District, Shanghai

The trend of laser 3D printing


1 better, faster, cheaper

In the future, 3D printing is not only a new way to print, scan and share content, but it will also add precision, planning and better selection of printing. And the printing cost will also drop. Overall, functional data will enter the market, and more advanced printing procedures will be presented. In 2015, more and more advanced 3D printing devices will be seen.

2 Traditional companies demand innovation and improvement

In order to improve their market position in the fast-growing 3D printing industry, in the coming year, traditional 3D printing companies urgently need to accelerate internal innovation and strive to introduce better and cheaper solutions to increase their market share. For these companies, the two important directions for demand improvement are 3D printing speed and data price.

3 Daily life closer to the general public

Now, 3D printing has begun to gradually enter the daily life of the general public. People use 3D printing skills to make handmade products, gift toys, etc., and can also use 3D scanning skills to print a three-dimensional model of pets or characters, so that 3D printing is Give more personalization, customization and entertainment.

4 medical artifacts

The most potential role of 3D printing skills will be reflected in the health care field. Many 3D printed medical products have been seen, such as prostheses implanted from the face, replaceable trachea, tailored dentures, and the like. In the coming year, more functional organs for 3D printing will be presented in the medical field. Physicians will be more comfortable with powerful 3D printing, and patients will have better medical experience.

5 battle weapons

Although using a robot-like hot melt glue gun to make a real gun is not the most useful way to get a weapon, it will certainly have a sensation. In the coming year, more guns, grenades, and some more exaggerated weapons will be presented. How to prevent 3D printing from becoming a "claw" in a casual battle will become a problem that people need to pay attention to.

For more information about laser tube and carbon dioxide laser tube of laser tube manufacturer of Shanghai Shanpu Laser Technology Co., Ltd., please contact Xiaobian.


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