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Shanghai Shanpu Laser Technology Co., Ltd

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Address: No. 98, Lane 965, Xiangjiang highway, Nanxiang Town, Jiading District, Shanghai

Basic knowledge of laser tubes


The domestic name of the laser tube, the full name should be: glass sealed off co2 laser. Since the laser is packaged in a glass tube, it is commonly referred to as a laser tube. This kind of laser tube is also mainly domestic production.

The laser laser is the most important part of the laser tube. At present, the common models are: 30W, 40W, 60W, 70W, 80W, 90W, 100W, 130W, 150W. Laser tubes of different powers are mainly distinguished by different lengths. For example, the 60W laser tube is 1200mm, 80W, and the length of 100W is generally 1600mm. In addition, the thickness of the laser tube is different, 80±1mm for 90W and 50±1mm for 40W.

Laser tubes are primarily used in Co2 laser processing equipment. Such as laser cutting machine, laser engraving machine, laser marking machine and so on.

Use the note:

 1. It is necessary to support the laser power supply with reliable function. Each laser tube of different power will have the corresponding laser power supply matching. The mismatch is not easy to cause laser tube blasting.

 2. Must be used under outstanding circulating water cooling conditions. The flow rate of cooling water is 2L - 4L / min. If the cooling effect is not good, it will cause film jump, resulting in power loss or even laser tube blasting.

 3. Use the principle of low-in and high-out cooling water when using the time, adjust the water pipe to ensure no bubbles inside the pipe. Use soft water (distilled water or purified water) for cooling water, pay attention to the maximum temperature of water not higher than 30 degrees, the lowest temperature can not make the water inside freeze, the most suitable temperature is between 15-25 degrees. There can be no scale inside the tube to avoid cooling water Blocking, scale can be washed with 20% dilute hydrochloric acid.

The newly used laser tube emits a pink color, which is very bright. After aging, the color of the light is white, which is very dim. Generally, the low-power CO2 laser tube has a shelf life of three months, and the service life is 2000 hours. The CO2 laser tube of 100W or more can be used for 5,000 to 10,000 hours, and the adherence period can generally be maintained for 10 months to 1 year. The standards for free replacement vary from manufacturer to manufacturer, and replacement procedures depend on their after-sales service.

The difference between laser tube and foreign co2 laser: domestic glass laser (ie laser tube) and imported laser have the same processing purpose and application. There are big differences in appearance, structure, lifespan, and function. In terms of price, the difference is also very large. The same power, the imported laser is about dozens of times that of domestic lasers. (The same lifespan is also very different. The imported co2 laser can be used repeatedly, and the domestic glass laser tube is generally used as a one-time use.) Therefore, the domestic glass laser has been recognized by domestic and foreign customers because of its low price and economy.

For more information about laser tube and carbon dioxide laser tube of laser tube manufacturer of Shanghai Shanpu Laser Technology Co., Ltd., please contact Xiaobian.


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