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Shanghai Shanpu Laser Technology Co., Ltd

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Prospects for the use of fiber lasers in the jewelry industry


New skills have potential for use in everything from DNA chips to skin cancer diagnosis, laser surgery, explosives testing, and more. Information and communication skills, including wireless communications, high-speed data processing and satellite communications, will also benefit from this skill. Together, Bose terahertz lasers can work in tandem with traditional LEDs, a new approach that will facilitate the miniaturization of new optical chips, helping to develop new devices and further expansion.

Laser welding advantages

Laser welding has the characteristics of high welding strength and speed, low scrap rate, and is widely used in modern manufacturing. In the jewelry manufacturing industry, laser welding has significant advantages over traditional welding skills.

1. Fast speed, high strength, small deformation, no orthopedics and finishing after welding.

The biggest reason why jewelry manufacturers use laser welding skills extensively is that they have fast welding speed and small deformation, and do not require orthopedics and finishing after welding. Although laser welding is faster than conventional flame welding, the operator typically holds or uses a special workpiece that can only be welded one at a time. Since most of the jewellery laser welding workshops are not large and cannot handle many jobs at one time, the welding time will increase slightly. However, after welding, because the finishing work is reduced, the time saved is enough to compensate for the welding time. Laser welding can be carried out under the protection of inert gas without leaving a fire spot on the product. Therefore, it is not necessary to add a co-solvent during welding, and no acid leaching is required after welding. In general, laser welding produces higher power.

2. Suitable for welding precision workpieces to ensure the quality of the workpiece.

Because the laser beam can be gathered to obtain a small spot and can be accurately positioned, it is suitable for large-scale automated production, not only the production power is improved, but also the heat affected zone is small, the solder joint is non-polluting, and the welding quality is greatly improved. Rejection rate. For example, 14K alloy jewellery with Au mass fraction of 58% and Ag mass fraction of 2% is flame-welded, and Ag is annealed, so that the overall hardness of the jewelry is reduced by about half from Hv=145. If it falls from the height of the waist, it will fall on the ground. Falling out of the dent. The low-power, high-speed laser welding is used because the heat is collected and the workpiece does not anneal, so the strength of the workpiece is not affected.

3. High installation accuracy helps to develop new jewelry production processes.

Because the jewellery industry cites laser welding skills, it has changed the way people think about traditional jewelry design. With the laser welding skills, you can create some special jewelry styles. In the past, because of the traditional welding skills, these special structure jewelry is difficult to achieve or meet the quality requirements. Laser welding can be carried out in a very narrow area, making it easier to weld different types of alloy data together so that the color or arrangement between the two components can be abruptly changed without mixing with each other. The narrow working area of laser welding has other traditional welding skills in terms of wettability, joint health and grain size in the heat affected zone.

4. Consistency and stability. Generally, the metal and the flux are not filled, and the working portion is melted and directly welded.

5. It can simplify the repair work of the workpiece, such as repairing the metal close to the gemstone and removing the holes of the casting; it can also weld 0.2mm parts of the messy and heat sensitive parts, such as hinges, hooks, fasteners, and inserts.

6. Do not pollute the environment. In the laser welding process, it is not necessary to use solder and solvent, and it is not necessary to clean the workpiece with a chemical solvent. Therefore, there is no problem of waste disposal.

7. Can save metal materials. When using traditional welding skills, the metal thickness is generally 0.2mm. With laser welding, the thickness can be reduced to 0.1mm, so the weight of the jewelry can be reduced by 35%~40%, which is especially important for electroforming process products. Laser welding not only saves precious metal data, but also saves solder, and in multiple soldering, no different types of solder are used.

1.2 Features

The laser welding machine commonly used in the jewelry manufacturing industry has low power, and has the most safety, compact and convenient moving structure. The operator can sit comfortably by the machine.

Typical jewellery laser welders are capable of welding most metals and alloys quickly, securely and accurately, but their power depends to a large extent on the function of the target data. Continuous composition or repair of the casting can be accomplished by one or more laser pulses under visual control, typically one pulse lasting 1 to 20 ms. The use of a stereo microscope and criss-crossing allows precise positioning of the weld and fine-tuning the orientation of the workpiece in the field of view. The working environment is generally an atmospheric atmosphere. If air or inert gas is injected into the working area to cool, the inert gas can improve the welding quality of the alloy.

1.3 Effect of alloy data on laser welding

Different alloy materials have different effects on laser welding. Under the same conditions of the same control parameters of the laser welding machine and the heat transferred by each welding pulse, the ablation effect of buying a pulse is different because the proportion of the thermal energy absorbed by the alloy data is different (rather than the fraction of the reflected heat energy). The detailed influencing factors include heat, melting point, latent heat of ablation, and thermal conductivity from room temperature to melting point. Different materials have different thermal conductivity, ablation temperature and latent heat of crystallization. These factors will be combined together, which will have a significant impact on the energy required for useful welding. Only when the surface absorbs the heat that is satisfied, can the welding be performed.

For more information about laser tubes and laser tubes of laser tube manufacturers of Shanghai Shanpu Laser Technology Co., Ltd., please contact Xiaobian.


下一篇:Basic knowledge of laser tubes


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